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  • Harry's avatar
    2021-H2 · a3391515
    Harry authored
    - moved to dockerd on WSL, deprecating Docker Desktop after user hostile commerical moves
    - added TouchID support for sudo authentication in macOS
    - replaced kubectx/kubie with kubeswitch
    - replaced LanguageTool grammar checking with CSpell (3.5mil downloads for a reason!), though we retain the former in browsers, where all alternatives are essentially opt-in cloud keyloggers
    - removed DIY PS prompt in favor of customized oh-my-posh(v3) styling
    Harry authored
    - moved to dockerd on WSL, deprecating Docker Desktop after user hostile commerical moves
    - added TouchID support for sudo authentication in macOS
    - replaced kubectx/kubie with kubeswitch
    - replaced LanguageTool grammar checking with CSpell (3.5mil downloads for a reason!), though we retain the former in browsers, where all alternatives are essentially opt-in cloud keyloggers
    - removed DIY PS prompt in favor of customized oh-my-posh(v3) styling
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